Saturday, October 20, 2007

One of the Neglected Federal Government Properties take a new look

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The ministry of Foreign affairs is now going to have a new look due to the relocation of Bank of Industry that got it old building demolished due to the unfortunate partial collapse of it witnessed sometime ago.
BOI is taking over the place in conjuction with a british oil firm to use as their present offices.
The description of work to be done would cover both internal and external work including complete upgrading and refitting of all mechanical appliances like lifts, air conditioning systems, electrical, plumbing, alternative power, sewage disposal and water treatment.
On the structural front, extensive internal partitioning of office spaces would be carried out. Besides, a new floor would be added on a wing of the building to cater for BOI. The new floor would be located at the cruciform shaped section of the property, which is expected to attract extensive work as the roof on the cruciform would be removed to give way for the planned additional floor.
Though this was necessitated by the unfortunate incident it is pertinent to know that most of the big buildings we have poorly managed by the Government should also be taking into consideration concerning their management or probably total take over to save our monumental buildings that were built with a lot of money.


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