Saturday, October 20, 2007

At last, Multi Storey Carpark in Lagos.

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An avenue for making an unending cash for a good property investor is in the area of multistorey carpark.
The Lagos metropolis is long overdue for this, unfortunately nobody is taking advantage of it.
Most necessary is the Lagos business district, Marina. I have long discovered this gap that is why my final thesis then in the School of Architecture Ambrose Alli University was a MultiSCP which was designed for the present place where vehicles are parking in that area.Then it was a N100 fee to park in this place, now for obvious reasons it must have increased with the continous overstretching of facilities in Marina.
The Guardian newspaper just reported a proposal by FAAN Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria of building a three storey carpark, which will be available for air travellers. Is to be built on BOT -built operate and transfer basis. The authority is using the PPP Public-Private-Partnership to achieve this because of lack of funds.It will have to be on build and transfer ,hence infrastructures may collapse if we keep waiting for government everytime for subventions that are now practically non-existent. Contract will be awarded in a short time and I hope the success of this will create more room for Multi storey carparks that are long overdue.Because money will be generated for any investor that is smart enough to take advantage of this.
Though of high capital budget, Banks with few private individuals can invest on this. Check


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