Minimise theft on your site

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The loss incur in building construction to petty thieves on site can be colossal if you choose an attitude of carelessness. When you refuse to be prudent, vigilant but to trust anybody at all. The artesans on site can steal anything handlingable from ordinary nails on site to roofing sheets and other costly and big materials on site.
First thing you you need to do when starting a site is to construct a store, which will be locked daily and the keys in the hands of the supervisor or you or someone that can give account of what transpires for the day what materials were used and what is left.
The labourers on your site can collude with your security man to move materials from your site at night so what you should do is to take proper inventory regularly of what is being used on site, what is left and what is needed the next day to be able to plan ahead.
The next thing is to make sure you make your site clean, this is important especially if you want to have a mental grab of what is going on in your site an unkempt or dirty site is where rats thrives most, because of the disorganization of the site is easy to hide and take things out of site without you noticing especially if they are much on ground. Stacking or arrangement of your materials on site is very important for you not to loose track of what is on ground. If materials are neatly arranged, they can easily be counted, thus it discourages rats on sites from carrying out their work. Know exactly what is being used on daily basis to forestall you loosing track of going ons in your site.
Don’t trust anybody as to entrust the materials on site in their hands, especially labourers who may want to sleep overnight on your site, some purposely pretends and want to sleep your site because they’ve planned to steal on your site at night when everybody must have left. Let me share with you a little on my experience of a site I handled in Maryland, Lagos. My site unfortunately had no security man of it’s own, so the security guard of the seller of the land is the one that also oversees our site, being that the site has adjourning plot that the landlady is occupying. In the day time, the security people usually reports to me on how they fend people off my site so that I can trust them with my site, but these same people usually connives with the artesans that were sleeping on site to sell some of the materials at night when everybody must have left for home.
It happens that the seller of the land which is also the landlady of the adjoining plot is troublesome and unapproachable, because of this some materials that were removed from the old building that was demolished were giving back to her just to make peace with her. The securitymen knowing fully well that we always try to avoid the woman from her troubles they decided to take advantage of this and remove some materials on site claiming that it was the woman that asked them to do it.
First thing you you need to do when starting a site is to construct a store, which will be locked daily and the keys in the hands of the supervisor or you or someone that can give account of what transpires for the day what materials were used and what is left.
The labourers on your site can collude with your security man to move materials from your site at night so what you should do is to take proper inventory regularly of what is being used on site, what is left and what is needed the next day to be able to plan ahead.
The next thing is to make sure you make your site clean, this is important especially if you want to have a mental grab of what is going on in your site an unkempt or dirty site is where rats thrives most, because of the disorganization of the site is easy to hide and take things out of site without you noticing especially if they are much on ground. Stacking or arrangement of your materials on site is very important for you not to loose track of what is on ground. If materials are neatly arranged, they can easily be counted, thus it discourages rats on sites from carrying out their work. Know exactly what is being used on daily basis to forestall you loosing track of going ons in your site.
Don’t trust anybody as to entrust the materials on site in their hands, especially labourers who may want to sleep overnight on your site, some purposely pretends and want to sleep your site because they’ve planned to steal on your site at night when everybody must have left. Let me share with you a little on my experience of a site I handled in Maryland, Lagos. My site unfortunately had no security man of it’s own, so the security guard of the seller of the land is the one that also oversees our site, being that the site has adjourning plot that the landlady is occupying. In the day time, the security people usually reports to me on how they fend people off my site so that I can trust them with my site, but these same people usually connives with the artesans that were sleeping on site to sell some of the materials at night when everybody must have left for home.
It happens that the seller of the land which is also the landlady of the adjoining plot is troublesome and unapproachable, because of this some materials that were removed from the old building that was demolished were giving back to her just to make peace with her. The securitymen knowing fully well that we always try to avoid the woman from her troubles they decided to take advantage of this and remove some materials on site claiming that it was the woman that asked them to do it.
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