Wednesday, February 18, 2009


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First and foremost corruption pervades all countries of the world and just like any other place in Nigeria those that are involved in it are quite negligible
So why should you invest in Nigeria?

1)You are helping yourself by solving a problem, it is a universal economic law ,find a problem and fix it then you will make money ,considering the population of nigeria housing problems in Nigeria is far much more than these other countries put together.

2)Strong building industry will also help to protect and make sure your money is judiciously used especially when you use the services of the professionals.

3)Population as earlier said will help ou to determine quickly.

4)Strong antifraud agencies are in place that you can go to for any complaints (the E.F.C.C I.C.P.C e.t.c) when you feel cheated and the courts are now getting better.

5)There are better government policies and regulations now in Nigeria.
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Monday, February 9, 2009

How to ensure regular rental payments with minimum supervision

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(1)Screening of the tenant is the first thing that has to come to your mind, do a proper verification of the claims of somebody taking the house, where he works or what he does for a living?
What made him/her to leave his former residence, probably it could be default in rents, the character of the person you may have to guess the income range to know if he can sustain payment by the type of work.

(2)Don't get too familiar with your tenants if you are a landlord, give the work to a facility manager or agent so that you don't end up loosing another six months before you can eject a tenant that is not willing to pay. Caretaker, if not tenants will take advantage of your closeness and they will start to default

(3)Treat your investment as business

(4)If their is an issue that could be settled out of court in case such arises then do. Ejecting a tenant through court process can be slow in Nigeria.

(5)Increase your rent regularly with small amount rather than wait for so long and then increase with a big margin, tenants are likely to revolt even when they they are aware that tenancy in that area has gone up. You cannot overlook that especially in a country like ours, where inflation rate is ever on the upward swing. Increase every two years or less.

(6)Write a six months notice to your tenants before increase to coincide with the minimum six months notice used to issue to tenants for them to vacate your building.
So for any tenant that is not comfortable with the increase write a vacate letter along with the increase notice so that you don't end up loosing another six months before you can eject a tenant that is not willing to pay.

(7)Treat as business your real estate investment.
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