Saturday, August 30, 2008

How to Select a Good Emergency contractor

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This is a follow up or update on
how to choose a competent building contractor posted on this blog a while ago.
For general repairs in your home the most common mistake is to look for a
contractor /artisan when you have a repair to do. This time you are
already under pressure to get it fixed, so you are most likely going to
accept the first tradesman you see.
The disadvantages of this is that you won't want to price the work for
long. You have not had time to know more about that person and how good he
may be .
So when you get to a new place , please look for general services and
emergency contractors like plumber, electrician e.t.c
Yes, one of the easiest ways as also written by me in the older post is
to get references from friends and family members.
Another one is to get the reference from a building professional like
architect, structural engineer,builder e.t.c
He (the pro.) must have worked with the person he's refering as they are
in the same industry, the possibilities of testing and knowing the
competence of the contractor is there.
Take time to get some names, meet with them and have a rapport with
them, then you can access their level of professionalism. You can as well
arrange an appointment with them and notice their punctuality, some will
respond faster than others though this is not a sign that one is better
than the other, because the other person may be very good and busy hence
he may need more time, just access the individual and find how you can
place them on your schedule.
Substance abuse also matters, though that is a personal thing, but a
contractor should be able to respect you and consider what you may feel
about him if found drinking alcohol heavily or smoking "indian hemp or

Here’s a checklist of things to consider when selecting your contractor.
Let’s use ratings of “Best”, “Good”, “OK”, “Fair” and “Reject” to classify
some of these items as stated in though some of them will not apply to you
but I have left it unedited.

Getting Names of Possible Contractors: You have had good personal prior
experience working with contractor [BEST]
Reliable referral from direct experience of family or friends [GOOD]
You know of the contractor's reputation but have no direct experience [OK]
You found them from a trade association or general advertising [FAIR]
You have had good personal prior experience working with contractor [BEST]
Reliable referral from direct experience of family or friends [GOOD]
You know of the contractor's reputation but have no direct experience [OK]
You found them from a trade association or general advertising [FAIR]
State Contractor Licensing (they must provide the number if licensed):
Licensed; has never had a complaint filed or had disciplinary action taken [BEST]
Licensed; has no prior complaints filed for at least 3 or more years [FAIR]
Licensed; current complaints or actions against them within the past 3 years [REJECT]
Contractor has no license [REJECT]
Licensed; has never had a complaint filed or had disciplinary action taken [BEST]
Licensed; has no prior complaints filed for at least 3 or more years [FAIR]
Licensed; current complaints or actions against them within the past 3 years [REJECT]
Contractor has no license [REJECT]
Insurance (ask to see their certificates): Workman's Compensation and
General Liability [BEST]
General Liability only (bodily injury and property damage) [GOOD]
Contractor has no insurance [REJECT]
Workman's Compensation and General Liability [BEST]
General Liability only (bodily injury and property damage) [GOOD]
Contractor has no insurance [REJECT]
Business Longevity: In business more than 10 years with the same name [BEST]
In business 5 or more years with the same name [GOOD]
In business 1 to 5 years with the same name [OK]
New business under 1 year [FAIR]
In business more than 10 years with the same name [BEST]
In business 5 or more years with the same name [GOOD]
In business 1 to 5 years with the same name [OK]
New business under 1 year [FAIR]
Stability and Permanence: Has a physical business office and address [BEST]
Has only a Home office or answering service [FAIR]
Cell phone contact only, no office [REJECT]
Has a physical business office and address [BEST]
Has only a Home office or answering service [FAIR]
Cell phone contact only, no office [REJECT]

Reference Check (yes, you should check references) Positive prior current

references from at least 5 customers [BEST]
1 to 4 positive references from past customers [FAIR]
No real references or negative references provided [REJECT]
Positive prior current references from at least 5 customers [BEST]
1 to 4 positive references from past customers [FAIR]
No real references or negative references provided [REJECT]
Experience Specializes in the work you want performed [BEST]
Can perform the work you want but also does other types of work [OK]
Little to no experience in the work you want performed [REJECT]
Specializes in the work you want performed [BEST]
Can perform the work you want but also does other types of work [OK]
Little to no experience in the work you want performed [REJECT]
Scope and Price: (All Items are Required) Detailed description of the

scope of work
Assumptions (if any) are clear and accurate
Contractor DID NOT offer discount to “sign up now”
Contractor will Guarantee the work
All verbal Contractor representations are in writing
No more than 25% to 33% asked for up front
Final payment not required until work is complete

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lagos architects back two regulatory agencies for building process

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ARCHITECTS in Lagos last week called on the state government to adopt the recommendations of a committee proposing the establishment of a new agency to oversee building processes in the state.

This idea, to them, will be in line with internationally recognised practices around the developed world. The architects are of the view that for Lagos to meet the demands of its mega-city status, the on-going practice of having only one agency manning both building approval and building control should be done away with.

Over the years, one state agency - Lagos State Physical and Planning Development Authority - performs the duties of both planning regulations and building control. The agency had in the past been under pressure to deliver on its performance, apparently due to shortage of professionals in its fold.

The endorsement of the proposal followed the presentation of an 81-page report by a committee raised by Lagos State to review its planning regulation and building control process in the state. The 15-man committee, led by erstwhile Chairman of the Federal Housing Authority (FHA), Brigadier General Tunde Reis, presented its report to the Lagos Chapter of the Nigerian Institute of Architects last week.

Among the terms of reference for the committee were, to; modernise extinct regulations toward the transformation of Lagos into Africa's model mega city; halt the increasing frequency of building collapse; establish a building control system to minimize the incidence of various building defects arising from bad design, inferior materials and construction leading to fire and health hazards.

Others were to create processes and institutions for effective enforcement of the regulations; eradicate uncontrolled development due to fast-paced growth in the state; reduction of slums towards attainment of the Millennium Development Goals and saving the unnecessary cost of relocating slum dwellers; mitigate security threats posed by several abandoned buildings in the state; address the prevalent loss of skills amongst building professionals due to lack of statutory certification and continuous education and formulate a sustainable physical planning and urban development policy for Lagos State.

Two weeks ago, the committee submitted its report after two weeks of brainstorming session to the state executive.

The Brig. Gen Tunde Reis led technical committee over the past two weeks embarked on an awareness campaign to sell the proposals to stakeholders in the construction sector, particularly members of professional bodies Read more
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Scientists unlock power of the sun, convert water into green energy

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SCIENTISTS have devised a cheap and simple method of turning water into rocket fuel using solar power in a development that could generate a new source of green energy for the home and workplace.

The researchers used electricity from solar panels to split water into oxygen and hydrogen - the constituents of rocket fuel - with a technology that scientists believe could solve many of the problems that have hampered the development of solar energy.

With the help of a simple and yet highly efficient "chemistry set" made out of commonly available materials, the scientists have found a way of storing solar energy as a chemical fuel that can be used to power pollution-free electricity generators known as hydrogen fuel cells.

Until now the concept has stagnated because it has been too costly and difficult to use solar-generated electricity to split water into oxygen and hydrogen in a domestic setting, but the new method relies on the discovery of a catalyst that speeds up the conversion of water into high-energy fuel.

Daniel Nocera of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, said that the discovery could remove one of the major obstacles that had prevented solar power from being taken up widely as a viable alternative to fossil fuels such as oil and gas.

"The discovery has enormous implications for the large-scale deployment of solar since it puts us on the doorstep of a cheap and easily manufactured storage mechanism. The ease of implementation means that this discovery will have legs," Nocera said.

Being able to use solar panels to build up a store of chemical energy that is easily transported would revolutionise the way solar energy can be used. It not only means that it could power a building at night, it also means it could be carried around to power electric vehicles running on hydrogen fuel cells.

The secret of the breakthrough, published in the journal Science, lies in the type of electrodes used to generate oxygen and hydrogen when they are inserted into water. The scientists made them from a cobalt-phosphate mixture, which acted as a catalyst that speeds up the splitting of water molecules into their components - oxygen and hydrogen.

"The simplicity of this process is amazing. Using common and affordable elements, and a glass of water, these chemists may have given us a future way to efficiently obtain oxygen by splitting water," said Luis Echegoyen, director of the chemical division of the U.S. National Science Foundation, which funded the work. read more
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How to calculate numbers of roofing sheets from a pitch roof

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The most common roof style is the pitch roof and the building is usually

divided at the center which is the apex.
The pitch roof is the easiest to calculate though I won't bore you with

details, but you can ask your contractor for the size of each roofing

sheet except you are using longspan aluminium roofing sheet which can be cut to exact lenght of the roof.
To make fast calculation, measure the length of the side of building let

say 'x', measure the breadth 'y'. To get an approximate surface area we

will add an arbitrary value for the difference in length due to the pitch

or depth of roof.
So lets say for a house of total length of the front is 1.8m or 60ft

and side which is the longer part is 27m or 90ft.
Area =length of front of house x side of house=18 x 27=486m2
Add allowance for the pitch or depth 20% of Area=20% + 486m =583.2m2
Now find out the length and breadth of each roofing sheet and also

multiply length by breadth.
Assuming the ceilling sheet is 3.6m in length and 1.8m in breadth
Then area of roofing sheet =3.6 x 1.8 =6.48m2
Therefore total numbers of roofing sheets needed approximately is
(Area of building + Allowance)/area of one roofing sheet =583.2/6.48m
=90 sheets
Please note that this is not a standard way of approximating but this is

derived based on my experience for your enjoyment. In any case there is

never a standard way.

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3-Year Jail term for Owners of Uninsured Buildings.

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Is your house insured? If your answer is no, you could be jailed for three years. Are you living in an uninsured house? Yes? Your own punishment is less – just one year imprisonment.
Disclosing this yesterday, the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) said the law had now stipulated a penalty of N250,000 or three-year imprisonment or both, on conviction, for anybody who fails to insure his or her building.
Likewise, an occupier of such building will be penalised to the tune of a minimum of N100,000 or one-year imprisonment or both.
Speaking at the flag-off of the implementation of the sections 64 and 65 of the Insurance Act 2003, in Abuja yesterday, Commissioner for Insurance (CFI), Mr. Fola Daniel, said the implementation became necessary because the incidence of collapsed building in the country has assumed “national concern and shame”, causing economic losses and leaving many families grieving for the loss of their loved ones.
Daniel cited section 64 which makes it mandatory for all persons “constructing any building that is more than two floors to insure their liability in respect of construction risks caused by their negligence or that of their servants, agents or consultants which may result in bodily injury or loss of life or damage to property of any workman on the site or of any member of the public”.
He added that Section 65 on the other hand makes it “mandatory for all owners of public buildings to insure against the hazards of collapse, fire, earthquake, storm and flood”.
He described public buildings as “all buildings owned or occupied by government ministries, extra ministerial departments, statutory bodies, tenement houses, hostels, lodger or licencee and any building to which members of the public have access for the purpose of obtaining educational or medical service or for the purpose of recreation or transaction of business.”
Daniel assured the public that the insurance policy shall cover the legal liabilities of an owner or occupier of premises in respect of loss of or damage to property or bodily injury or death suffered by any user of the premises and third parties.
Flagging off the implementation of the law, Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Ambassador Bab-agana Kingibe, explained that the recognition of insurance as a mitigating instrument to address the financial losses prompted the promulgation of the law that makes it compulsory for all public buildings and those under construction to be insured.
Noting that specific reference was made in the law to buildings that are taller than two floors, he pointed out that, “when buildings collapse, the attendant huge financial loss could best be mitigated by the existence of an appropriate insurance cover”.
He therefore urged insurers to insist on the use of quality materials in the construction of buildings proposed for insurance, stating that, “their financial stake in the issuance of insurance covers should be sufficient incentive to do this as part of their risk assessment mechanism”.
In his remarks, Finance Minister, Dr. Shamsuddeen Usman, called on construction industry stakeholders to READ ALL

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

How to fix plaster cracks and Causes.

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The little cracks on your wall can get so big if not quickly fixed, and it
may totally deface your building.

Plaster cracks are caused by the following reasons--

(i) Inadequate use of cement-When the mixture ratio of cement with soft
sand is not of a standard proportion, you'll see notable cracks on
building after curing /drying of the wall.
To save money foolishly,some masons use poor sand with so much impurities
and some that contains too much of clay. Fine sand with a good percentage
of cement will give a well bonded plaster surface with little or no

(ii)Handling of the job by incompetent and impatient masons can also
results to plaster cracks. When the mortar/plaster mix is pasted on wall
you are supposed to use trowel and range(longwood) to get a vertically
blended surface ,after that a foam is applied which helps to smoothens the
The foam is wet with water and then used to gently rub the surface of
plaster. But the surface is left for a while or a time frame from when
trowel is used to initially smoothens the surface and when to finally use
foam to smoothens it.

(iii) When water is not enough in the mix, then plaster cracks will also occur.

(iv) Post usage cracks can occur if a portion of plaster surface is
continully exposed to water, that portion will eventually crack.

To fix, there are different methods you can apply.
First, scrape out the scale or the exposed surface, wash and clean the
surface with water and remove other dirts and growths like algae which
may affect the bonding strenght. Try to find out the cause of the crack
and see if the problem can be fixed. Vibrations from machines around can
cause cracks too in a building.

After that depending on how large the surface area, put wire mesh (small
tiny iron) in the surface and apply the mortar to cover the portion, the
wire mesh is to make sure the plaster does not fall off from a large
surface area with thick plastering.
Sprinkles water and carefully smoothens the surface with foam.
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Re: Collapse of Building in Abuja

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Many reasons have been adduced to the collapse of building in a shopping complex in Abuja read more here but there are some basic factors that must have contributed to the problems, chief among them is greed on the part of the contractor, many houses in Nigeria are not habitable but people are actively living and working in them out of ignorance or because they have no choice. The materials that most people are using to construct buildings in Nigeria are substandard and very often times inadequate, which is caused by over dependence on one project to survive for a long time, therefore you will see where a builder will want to make so much money in a very small project.
Professionals are often contacted, I will be surprised if there was no professional handling that particular job but the issue is how many clients are ready to pay for the professional fees? Practically non, even in a big project like banks Nigerians still find it difficult to pay the professionals their dues, so the consultants will only pay lip service and the supervision is always very shallow because of this problem. Imagine a situation where an architect is commissioned for a job to be done and he is paid only for the drawings, when he is talking about supervision with his client it becomes a matter of stress to the client, this consultant is incapacitated and the client unknowingly may have shot himself in the foot by not allowing room for proper supervision. Every professional wants to get paid.
Now, checking the quality of materials is definitely an area where we are also getting it wrong we need to have the professionals on site when concrete is been cast, the funny thing in Nigeria building industry is that we the professionals leave the testing of the strength of materials used on site to the contractor, so for someone that is planning to cheat all he has to do is to prepare a quality mix to the testing laboratory while on site he is using a very poor mix. The same thing with the quality of iron rods or reinforcements.
Another common issue is the time frame been set by Nigerian clients to finish up a project. Yes time is money but when you misuse it, then you may not even be alive any longer to contemplate about time disaster could be as close as you can imagine. Just for the mere facts that you now have so much money is not enough to drive your builder mad to deliver a building for you at an unreasonable time frame—Our bank property units officials are the greatest culprits infact they should share in the blame for any bank building that collapse. They pile so much pressure on a contractor to deliver a project at most unreasonable time ,this will cause some people not to wait for proper curing time of materials before they take the next task. Every task in a building construction process requires a time frame to get done before you can move to the next task, they are often interdependent but this is no longer the case with our modern day rush madness.
Government officials also contributes in no small measure to problems of building collapse. The regulatory authorities often time look the other way when it comes to sanctioning erring contractors because of corruption. In some areas they do connive with contractors to allow what is totally unacceptable to be approved, this and more are contributing to problems of building collapse…
Read my pillar topic Causes of Building Collapse in Nigeria.
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UACN property Development company (UPDC)as reported by sun newspaper is charting the part again as the number one property development company in Nigeria.
Its latest effort –Barumark estate will be located in the federal capital territory of Abuja which will comprise 3 bedroom terraced maisonettes/penthouses ½ bedroom flats as well as 4 bedroom semi-detached houses.
UPDC is in partnership with Barumark investment and Development Company Limited.
And Ecobank is the financier.
The estate is designed to be an open plan estate with individual drive-in paved walkways marked with functional drainage system underneath.
The development is to be disposed off by way of sale, but there will be onsite facility management office to see to the wellbeing of the estate and ensure proper maintenance of the facilities.
There are two variants of the 4 bedroom detached house types (A and B). However the 2 bedroom and 1 bedroom flats have been taken already. The prices comprises as follows N35 million naira for both types of the 4 bedroom semi detached house and 25 million for the 3 bedroom terraced maisonettes. The 3 bedroom penthouse flat attracts a price of 22million naira.
The initial deposit required is 20 percent ,second payment 30% and final payment 50%. Only a deposit above 50% guarantees choice of specific unit .Application for mortgage facility will also be considered on merit.
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

EFCC Beams Searchlight on Contractors and Consultants

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Federal government contractors may no longer be having easy ride any longer, Economic and Financial Crime Commission EFCC is beaming searchlight on private contractors that are collecting jobs from the government.
It is no longer business as usual from reports, they are going to start checking jobs done by individual contractors from four years ago.

Read more about this latest development in economicconfidential
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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Plumb and Range: The use and differences

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In continuation of uses of instrument common to bricklayers and builders, the use of plumb and range cannot be overemphasized .
Plumb is a small instrument usually made of steel or iron that has a transparent piece at the center which shows a portion of liquid in it. The liquid is usually half of the space left at the center of the transparent plastic for it to be able to move freely.
The liquid determines if the surface of a wall or an object is in a straight plane by balancing itself in the container, if the liquid line is not distorted and is exactly at the center line then the plane in which is being used is straight.
Range is simply a long wood or iron in a rectangular form with four sides used to extend or trace the smoothness of a wall. This instrument is often used with plumb to achieve a better result.
The combination of the two will give a better plastered wall surface.
So to check if your blockwalls are okay, just place the plumb anywhere on the wall, if the liquid line does not passes through the center then know that your wall is not straight, quickly call the attention of your builder. Note that if you leave this not corrected , the plastering of the wall will cost you more to do, because you will need to fill one side more with mortar( plastering element) for it to form a straight plane and look good.
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Friday, August 8, 2008

Test the Correctness of your foundation with Builder’s Square before its too late

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Recently executing a project, I came across a badly done foundation which was paid for by the present owner of the land.
Builder square is a piece of iron in right angle (90*) form which is used to get accurately two adjacent walls in a building.
Architects do most of their drawings in straight lines and two walls meets each other at right angles except in few cases where the drawings are in circular forms.
The setting out of a building is what determines how a building will manifest in the future , and the most important instrument you need is the builder’s square to be able to get a perfect building done.
When your builder is ready to transfer what is in plan to the ground he makes sure the right angles are gotten and checked with the square, infact he needs to check and recheck to be certain. This is in itself the foundation of your building. A well laid foundation will make your work easier, you won’t have to spend money and time adjusting errors that will be generated because of bad setting out.
When the rope is tied round the peg and the squareness of building confirmed, the next thing is to start digging, but you as a layman can quickly arrest a badly set out building by just taking this check---Measure the diagonals of the square formed round the building by the ropes, if one is shorter to the other then the setting out is not correct, quickly call the attention of your builder.
However if you have passed that stage you can also determine if you are on the right part by using the square against two adjacent blocks laid on the foundation. Make sure one side of the square rest perfectly with one of the blocks then check the other side with the plane of the corresponding block, if the block and the square are not at the same angle then the setting out is faulty and you need to call the attention of your builder and correct it immediately, hence
(i) The walls will not be straight and it will affect the beauty of your house.
(ii) You will spend more money adjusting the visible errors in the future.
(iii) The ceiling of the rooms will be uneven and will generally give an ugly shape when looking at it from the room.
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Professional and Self Carpetting

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Installing carpet from wall to wall doesn't require much but is advisable you employ a professional to do it for you if you aren't going to find the job too hard.
There are people that are also doing this job professionally just go to where you have markets for carpet and you see people that are buying and ready to look for installers, you can create a network of people doing this job and collect commission from people working for you.

You need these tools to work with when you are planning to turn it to profession.
measuring rule
nail set
putty knife
vacuum cleaner
work gloves
tack hammer
1/4-inch-thick piece of scrap wood
small handsaw
heavy scissors
staple gun
paintbrush or fine-toothed notched trowel
utility knife with sharp heavy-duty blades
knee kicker, available on rental from most carpet dealers
block of scrap wood
graph paper
flooring nails
wood putty
tack-less carpet fastening strips
metal door edging strip for each doorway in room
latex or vinyl foam carpet padding
foam padding adhesive
heavy-duty staples
precut and preseamed carpeting

Treating Specific Carpet Stains

This is how to remove a variety of specific stains.
Acid stains: Acid spills, such as drain cleaner or vinegar, demand quick action. Dilute them immediately with baking soda and water or with club soda. Then apply a solution of ammonia (1 part) and water (10 parts). Rinse with cold water, let dry, and vacuum gently.
Alcoholic beverages: Quickly dilute the spot with cold water. Absorb the excess liquid. Then mix 1 teaspoon mild detergent, 1 teaspoon white vinegar, and 1 quart warm water. Apply the solution to the spot, and let the carpet dry. Vacuum gently.
Blood: Absorb as much of the blood as you can. Then mix 1 teaspoon mild detergent, 1 teaspoon white vinegar, and 1 quart warm water. Apply the solution to the spot, and let dry. Apply dry-cleaning fluid. Vacuum gently after the carpet is dry.
Butter: Scrape up as much of the butter as you can. Apply dry-cleaning fluid, and let the carpet dry. If the spot remains, repeat the procedure. Vacuum gently.
Candle wax: Press an ice cube against the wax stain. The wax will harden and can then be pulled off.
Catsup: Sponge a mixture of 1 cup vinegar and 2 cups water into rug. Frequently wring out sponge until stain is gone.
Chewing gum: Chewing gum can be a sticky mess, so harden it by pressing an ice cube against the blob of gum. Once hardened, the gum can be pulled off.
Chocolate: Immediately scrape the chocolate from the carpet. Mix 1 teaspoon mild detergent, 1 teaspoon white vinegar, and 1 quart warm water. Apply the solution to the spot. Rinse well. Vacuum gently.
Coffee: Blot spilled coffee immediately. Then mix1 teaspoon mild detergent,1 teaspoon white vinegar, and 1 quart warm water. Apply the solution to the spot, and let dry. Apply dry-cleaning fluid. Vacuum gently after the carpet is dry.
Crayon: Scrape away excess crayon or remove it by placing a blotter over the crayon stain and pressing it with a warm iron until the blotter absorbs the melted crayon. Move the blotter frequently so that it doesn't get oversaturated. Apply dry-cleaning fluid, and let the carpet dry. Vacuum gently.
Fruit: Fruit stains can be very hard to remove if they are allowed to set, but if you act quickly this method usually prevents a permanent stain. Scrape up spilled fruit, and absorb fruit juice. Mix 1 teaspoon mild detergent, 1 teaspoon white vinegar, and 1 quart warm water. Apply the solution to the spot, and let the carpet dry. If the spot remains, repeat the procedure. Vacuum gently.
Gravy: Wipe up as much of the spilled gravy as possible. Mix 1 teaspoon mild detergent, 1 teaspoon white vinegar, and 1 quart warm water. Apply the solution to the spot. Let the carpet dry. Apply dry-cleaning fluid, and let the carpet dry. Vacuum.
Mud: Allow the mud to dry completely and then brush or scrape off as much as possible. Mix 1 teaspoon mild detergent, 1 teaspoon white vinegar, and 1 quart warm water. Apply the solution to the spot. Let the carpet dry. If the stain remains, apply dry-cleaning fluid and blot dry. When the spot is completely dry, vacuum gently.
Salad dressing: Absorb as much salad dressing as you can. Mix 1 teaspoon mild detergent, 1 teaspoon white vinegar, and 1 quart warm water. Apply the solution to the spot. Let the carpet dry. If the spot remains, repeat the procedure. Vacuum gently.
Soft drinks: The carbonation in soft drinks will help you clean spilled drinks quickly, but act fast because some of the dyes in the drinks can permanently stain your carpet. Blot up the spilled drink. Mix 1 teaspoon mild detergent, 1 teaspoon white vinegar, and 1 quart warm water. Apply the solution to the spot. Let the carpet dry. If the spot remains, repeat the procedure. Vacuum gently.
Urine: Mix 1 teaspoon mild detergent, 1 teaspoon white vinegar, and 1 quart warm water. Apply the solution to the spot. Let the carpet dry. If the spot remains, repeat the procedure. Vacuum gently.
Vomit: Treat vomit quickly. Blot up as much as possible, then dilute immediately with baking soda and water or with club soda. Apply a solution of 1 part ammonia and 10 parts water. Rinse with cold water, let dry, and then vacuum.
Wine: When red wine is spilled on your carpet, dilute it with white wine, then clean the spot with cold water and cover with table salt. Wait ten minutes, then vacuum up the salt.
When nothing seems to work, you may want to try a deep-cleaning.

A time comes when the rug will be practically out of shape then,
Vacuum the carpet thoroughly, then spot-clean and pretreat stains before shampooing the carpet.
Follow the instructions printed on the carpet cleaner.
Use single strokes over the carpet surface.
Do not apply heavy pressure with the machine.
Wipe cleaning solutions and foam from furniture legs and woodwork immediately to prevent damage.
Fluff damp fibers against the nap after shampooing to aid drying.
Make sure the room is well-ventilated after cleaning to speed drying.
Try not to walk on carpets until they are completely dry.
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