Friday, July 18, 2008

How to Prevent and Fight Fire.

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The fast rate of development in our towns and cities has also created fire outbreaks that has led to destruction of life and properties in our urban areas.
Fire fighting must not be left for trained personnel alone, it is our collective responsibilities to also play our own part in preventing and fighting fire. Therefore everybody should know how fire occurs and how to extinguish it.
There are different kinds of fire outbreaks, infact no two fire are alike hence you need to have a technical grasp about nature of fire and ability to determine action to take in emergency situation.
Fire is as a result of combination of three elements-fuel, heat, and oxygen. Is a chemical reaction of two or more combustible substance resulting into the production of heat and light.
Fire has different rates of burning and spread, therefore it is classified under these main headings class A,B,C,D

Class A: These are fire involving solid materials normally of organic nature (compound of carbon in which combustion normally takes place with formation of glowing amber such as wood, papers, clothings, sawdust e.t.c

Class B: These are fire involving flammable liquid solid for the purpose of choosing effective extinguishing agent for this class, flammable liquid may be divided into two groups. These are
1, Liquid mixable with water e.g Alcohol
2, liquid that are immixable with liquid e.g Petrol

Class C: These are fire involving gases or liquefied gases such as methane, propane, oxygen and propane.

Class D: These are fire involving metal in solid or powder e.g aluminium, magnesium, iron ,potassium, lead, Zinc e.t.c

There are a lot of ways fire can be caused but there are three major causes-Carelessness, Accident and Arson.
Carelessness is often caused by oversight or loose action from an individual. These can be as a result of-
(i) Children playing with matches
(ii) Failure to shut down Gas central valve after use
(iii) Burning of Refuse or Bush
(iv) Smoking on bed
(v) Quicken fire with parafine or petrol
(vi) Deposit of hot ashes in wooden bakes or unsuitable places
(vii) Careless discharge of cigarette
(viii) Accumulation of Refuse
(ix) Keeping electrical apparatus in the vicinity of combustible materials
(x) Lighting of candle without protected base
(xi) Fuelling a vehicle tank while while the engine is running
(xii) Careless storage of flammable liquids at home

Accident is caused by chemical reaction of elements resulting in explosion in either confined or exposed situation. This case can be distrastrious when two elements collide/combine together and give corrosive smell or smoke, common cases is when two vehicles collides together and results to fire.

Arson is when someone deliberately put fire to a property out of rage, jealousy or sabotage.
This is common among the politicians when you see opposing group trying to outdo the other by destroying properties, also protest can cause people to put fire in properties.

(1) Do not leave cigarette end in an ashtrays without stubbing it out.
(2) Do not throw cigarette end on the floor worse on rug without stamping it out
(3) Do not use combustible items such as paper plastics as an ash trays
(4) Do not leave electrical appliances switched on and unattended
(5) Do not place combustible materials near an electrical appliance
(6) Do not leave electrical appliances switched on at night and unattended
(7) Do not discard a match stick loosely without ensuring that it has gone out
(8) Do not have more than one plug to a socket or overload it
(9) Do not slack goods to the ceiling or electrical equipment
(10) Do not fiddle with fire alarm installations
(11) All waste and rubbish should be deposited at the appropriate gabbage depot.
(12) Always switch off all electrical apparatus after office or when you are living your house. All cables should be properly clipped to the wall and those not in use should be disconnected from the current and removed totally from the wall to prevent electrocution.
(13) Avoid filthy environment because it aids quick spread of fire.
(14) Goods of the same products should be encouraged to be stored together so that in case of fire appropriate extinguisher medium can be used to penetrate and subdue it power.
(15) Install automatic fire alarm, alarm system, sprinkler, especially in offices
(16) Strict fire prevention rules like no smoking, regular check of electrical equipments and security precaution against arsonists.

Fire extinction can be classified under three main headings
(i)Starvation: Removing materials that are yet to be burnt by a ranging fire or isolating it.
(ii)Cooling: Removing heat content from burning materials
(iii)Smoothering: Cutting off oxygen which aids combustion or a major part of it.

Types of Fire Fighting extinguisher
There are four different types of portable fire extinguisher that can be used in your home at incipient stages, they are
i, Water Co2 fire extinguisher-This is a gas cartridge type that consists a cylindrical container with water capacity of 9 litres or 2 gallons. It must be recharged after each use.
ii, Foam extinguisher –mechanical and chemical types-These produces foam which follows down on burning liquid and form a blanketing layer, it extinguishes the fire by cutting off the oxygen. It should also be recharged immediately after use.
ii, Extinguisher that expel vapour forming liquid or gas-also called carbon di oxide, It contains a steel cylinder with a liquefied gas fitted at the head with a sealing disc.
iii, Dry chemical powder fire extinguisher-This is filled with gas and serves as an expellant.
To operate these extinguisher, place in upright position uncoil hose remove plunger to pierce the gas cartridge and direct the resultant powder in sweeping motion from the windward to the fire. This also has to be recharged after use.

i, Raise an alarm to attract the attention of others
ii, Evacuate the building
iii, Do not panic
iv, Do not pull or push others
v, Go to the assembly points gently
vi, take roll call
vii, Attack the fire with the appropriate extinguisher provided without taking any risk
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How to start selling Properties Online.

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Many still have the notion that the internet is meant for 419 and 419ners make money more than anybody else.
Let me tell you they are making no money but rather living in fools paradise, and if you believe they are making money then you must be one of the fools around that will open their eyes and see serious opportunity steering right at them, but prefers wasting their time to look for poor fellows like themselves on the net to dupe for peanuts.
I have the strong conviction that the internet is what God himself invented to make the economies of the entire world to be equal and each operating at the optimum.
Look at this scenario, you are in Australia, you have a product you are selling, I am in Nigeria and I am interested in promoting your product, your next door neighbour needs your product but he doesn’t know where to get it, so he went online and discover my website where I promote the same product and directed him to his neighbour (you), the guy paid for his product so I get my commission for introducing the product to the seller. I was paid the same money somebody in Australia would also could have been paid despite high gulf between the two economies.
What will you call this? But an invention of God himself.
These are methods you will use to get your business online.

(1) Forum-Nigerians abroad are so much interested in building houses back home, but they are understandably always afraid of how to go about it without been swindled, so they need someone they can build a relationship with and trust who can be of reasonable integrity and can help them achieve their aim. So they go online most often online forums.
How to sell in Forums : To begin selling in forum try to build a relationship with the community, every business requires you investing your time and money, Even if you don’t know what to write about, search online for articles on properties , Use the topics you find interesting to form a topic on the forum and then write, paste or link to it.
You can also ask questions, answers or suggest an answer to a question, you can even commend a good contribution you stumbled on, do this for 3 months consistently before you start selling.
Get your digital camera, snap pictures of the interior and the exterior of the building you want to sell, you can also snap and give a detailed report of a land you may want to sell without you requiring the buyer to be there since you have practically given him all information he may need.
Look for a good forum to use, if you are a newbie then stick with one that has very high traffic first before moving to other ones if you need to. but to me don’t bother for now until when you have successfully made money off the site, then you are confident that the system works, so you can then decides to look for more customers elsewhere.
Multiple forum sites will overwhelm you especially if you don’t have a private connection.

(2) Property Listing sites- Another way is to use sites that accepts to list your properties, many are on the net just search for the top five in and make use of them.

(3) Online Shops- These are common especially in advance countries where internet is of a better usage. Some online shops are free like Please search for others and see the one you may which to use try :PROPERTIES ONLINE SHOPS

(4) Creating your own website- You can create your website, upload pictures of your properties , write a few lines on each and start driving traffic to it by using paid advertisement- google adwords, banner ads, link exchange with related websites, advertising in related website ezines, (some sites have very high email list, if you can make friend with the owner just bargain with him to advertise your site when next he is sending mails to his subscribers. Imagine if you have a related website where the owner has over 300,000 genuine email list you can arrange with him for a token to advertise your site when next he is sending email to his subscribers that have same passion with you. You will receive so much hits that your server may go down if it is not a good one, many interested leads will call you on phone and even when they don’t end up buying anything you will still make money from them through two ways at least-you can introduce them to another product later on if you have an opt in form that helps to catch their emails, just like what I have under on this page, if you have not fill it before I recommend you do just that quickly. Another way is through adsense- you see advertisement by google on this site at the left and bottom when you click on anyone that interest you Google pays me.

(5) Using Social Networking sites-The use of this method is gaining momentum on the internet marketing world. Taking the lead right now is in terms of rate of growth, in terms of popularity, you can also use, fanbox,,, (where you can paste your pictures of these houses though you won’t write on the site directly that you are selling them, but if your online community discover that you have a special interest in properties, they start asking you questions.
Most of these communities-Message boards/forum, newsgroup, social networking sites, social bookmarking sites e.t.c you need to first introduce yourself make friends before introducing your products and services to them. That way it is easy for them to accept you very fast.

(6) Start a Blog on Properties- These should be one of the easiest jobs to do. Create a blog, very easy go to or in minutes you will have your blog before you, go out and snap some pictures of interesting buildings (If I want to do this I will just create a niche for myself on –pictures and discussions on Nigeria monumental buildings, or out of this world buildings in Nigeria, or trends in properties in Nigeria e.t.c) or get plenty from the net and just write few words on them then in between you will just introduce and advertise the ones you have available to sell.
Make no mistake everything or anything you can think of as a business idea can sell online but you need to add your ingenuity, the love of the people that are willing to buy from you, and your persistence to make it, just make sure you keep discovering how to make it better. ( someone is selling head of motor antennae-a range of a small toys you can fix on top of your car antennae and is noted to be making money from this.) just anything has the potential of making you money if you stay long enough on it, a little twist here, a little twist there and you’ll get there.

(7) Online Chartrooms- is one good way of making money too. The person you are introducing your property to has a first hand direct communication with you so you can easily convince him of your genuineness and swiftly answers his questions and doubts.

(8) Leveraging on Established Offline realtors-This is a surefire way to get a property sold very fast. The well established property agents don’t understand or realize the power of online marketing, most of them are comfortable with the old traditional style of sitting down in their offices to make telephone calls and relying on their sub-agents and contacts to use word of mouth to advertise for them. But they need money and they need it very fast, so you just have to cash on their strength and weaknesses. Their strengths---they are experienced and 95% of time they will do their paperwork very well and see to the genuiness of the property they are going to sell. Their weakness—they need money so they are ready to share the profit with you if you bring a buyer. So go, work into any of the popular and reputable ones, introduce yourself and talk to them about your proposal to start working for them as their subagent on any property they have, convince them about your power to generate leads for them through offline and online tactics, make them to realize that Nigerians abroad are always asking for genuine properties to buy you can even print out some requests on Nairaland forum and show them.
I have done this myself before so I know it works, for every ten realtors I met five welcomed me with open hands and they also followed up with telephone calls to me. So it is Very! Very! Possible though you may meet some obstacles.

-Start just start, wait no longer, 30 of the articles I have on this website I had already written them one year before I finally made up my mind to launch fully online, I had every modalities in place then but I couldn’t move just because of the fear of being rejected by you that is now enjoy reading my articles so much that you look forward to the next edition. Also was the fear of failure.(My personal quote : HE WHO IS AFRAID OF FAILLING REMAINS A FAILURE SO AIM HIGH AND SHOOT HIGH.

-Make one system works before jumping to the next one. I laugh when online forums are now springing up daily just because somebody worked hard to make a forum work. But I tell you I can make far more money doing just what I am doing now and simply look for ways to optimize revenue from this site. And I can also make big money stealing traffics off big sites if I can continually contribute to discussions. I have gotten clients through this way before .
So I don’t need to create a forum site before I can make money online (If you are a newbie the stress of creating one, promoting it, maintaining and driving traffic to it will just wear you out. You need to look for a profitable and easy niche where you will distinguish yourself and make money fast before you lose interest in internet marketing/services.
Hundreds of people are networking on these forums and some may actually be making more money off these sites than the owners, so JUST DO THAT WHICH YOU CAN DO AND WORK HARD ON IT, BE PATIENT MONEY WILL COME.
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