Preparing for finishing stages

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Imagine if you have marble installed on your walls only to find out that it was badly placed.
However, having good finishes does not begin when you are about to end the building process. To have a good finish, you must start due dilligence right from the foundation of the house. A job executed badly at the initial stage has a way of affecting the general outlook of the building.
So these are some of what to do to achieve good finishes
Employ an architect:
The architect is trained to criticise and view anything straight or otherwise, he has an eye for straight line so he can easily detect if your walls are straight or not, so he can monitor and coordinate the technicians on what to do to achieve better result.
Make sure your materials are of good quality like paints,marble e.t.c
A lot consider finishing stage from plastering to finally moving to your house.
The bricklayer is the one to be contacted for this job. Though he may know his job but you need to ask for these tools from him to show he is actually ready to do the work.
First you must ask for his range (this is a perfect rectangular wood or metal used in tracing the straightness of plastered area to the other to give a general smooth and nice finish.
The Plumb is the next thing to ask for, this is an instrument you see them carry about that has a portion of water in a transparent plastic material, it is used to determine how straight a wall and any other material is.
You also need to insist that your masons should first of all establish guage on the surface of wall round to serve as a guide when finally plastering.
Also when the blocks are not well laid then you will encounter problems when plastering.
Finishes usually consumes more money, that is why you need to be able to take extra care with various installations like,
checking the door, close and open several them times,
wash hand basins and lavatory equiments should be tested to avoid defects immediately you are just moving in,
Once again test to see that your roof is not leaking and the ceilling are properly placed.
You need good hands generally to work for you.